Love Poems About Supplied or Supplied Love Poems
by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: angst, father, introspection, heart, heart,

Black Tears

When my heart beats
It pumps black ink
Flowing to my brain
Effecting how I think

I start to weep
Black tears of rage
A pool of darkness 
Soaking my page

Your injected words
Have filled my veins
A heart colored black
Covered with stains

My life re-imagined
With love energized
The beat changes
New blood supplied

Color now returned
My heart fully fed
Now when I cry
My tears will be red

by Eve Roper |
Categories: family, women,

Women In My Family

Women in my family 
are very strong will women.
They came into the fullness of their grace
from their partnership with God and spiritual belief.
Their homes always filled with a great deal of hugs and kisses,
and space to raise each angel with frayed wings.

Women in my family,
their hearts always compassionate,
listening, and understanding without judging.

The women in my family have always supplied
and endless flow of unconditional love,
trusting on the power of collaboration
with their husband, and children.


Women In My Family Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Sotto Poet

by Katie Christian |
Categories: absence, death, emotions, eulogy, grandfather, grief, miss you,

An Epitaph For My Grandfather

Dear grandfather, you meant the world to me.
I loved you even as a baby. 
You played with me and gave me love,
Not something that every grandfather does. 
You didn't leave us that long ago.
It was only in 2013.
I remember that day like it was only yesterday. 
Sunny and warm, it was only eight in the morning.
You had asked for a napkin and we supplied,
But when we had gotten there you had already died.
I loved you paw paw, I really did, and I hope
Wherever you are you still love me.
I miss you, and wherever you are I know you miss
Me, too.
                           I love you, paw paw.
                                Rest in Peace

by Cona Adams |
Categories: brother, family, fun, humor,

Mischief Maker

You are our parents' only son,
three sisters grew
and gave you guff;
you stood alone on constant guard,
in teasing vein and comic mien.

I am the sibling next in line—
the cagey one—
a boomerang who fed it back,
if you began to clown around
and play the fool.

We are astute and wiser still
than number three;
her stiff chagrin,
her will to win,
enhanced your fun.

But sometimes love allays the fume,
as baby four
supplied the balm,
restored accord,
inside our home.

by Brenda Victoria Northeast |
Categories: allegory, faith, inspirational, love, passion, romance, wedding,


I walk through the orchard
Fruit abounds
The smell of fruitfulness surrounds

I am encouraged with your abundance

I want to sing
I want to dance
For you have supplied my ever need

My need is YOU LORD
You are the Lover of my soul
You are the embrace my heart desires
You are sweetness to my lips
You are the Kiss of dawn that makes my eyes shine
you are the stars that make my eyes twinkle
You are the light of day and the moon at night
That lightens my way and makes my load light
You are the oil of my Joy
You are my souls steadfast love fulfilling all I need
And soon you will come for your bride
And we shall be - ONE

© Brenda V Northeast    6 May 2012

by Holly Bohto |
Categories: art, birth, corruption, creation, growth,

Lucid Desires

I fell asleep
Dreaming of desire
Inflamed by fire
That love inspired
In decadent attire
Lucidity rewired
Balancing highwires
Frequently supplied

What transpired
Glowing sapphires
Calling a ceasefire
Raging bonfires
A lovers fire
Unfolding desires

I fell asleep
Dreaming of desire
Inflamed by fire
That love inspired
In decadent attire
Lucidity rewired
Balancing highwires
Frequently supplied

What transpired
Glowing sapphires
Calling a ceasefire
Raging bonfires
A lovers attire
Unfolding desires


by Muzahidul Reza |
Categories: care, love, nature,

The Rhymes of Protecting Nature

Beauty of nature
And its feature
Charmed all are
Ever and ever,

                    What we need
                    We are supplied
                    From nature
                    It is given feature,

Now I am here
Lived my ancestor
Living generation
Next will be then,

                    Nature is our
                    We are of nature
                    Protect it dear
                    For self better,

So, protect nature
You protected where
You always utilize
Should take care.

by Neldy Jolo |
Categories: abuse, art, beautiful, cheer up, deep, encouraging, freedom,


It doesn't need an "All-Out-War"
If you are brave enough do "All-In-Peace"
You never win the war

You love war

but you never feet the battlefield
never you defeat your "enemies"
The one you called "rebels"

You gave command to the innocents
Money to life as an exchange
Do not think your guns are powerful enough
Your bullets supplied much

How about food?

Remember within five years
You have warning from the UN
Do not forget dear oppressor!

You will never win the war!
That's the promise of blood
Take it as an advice
but not from the expert


by Neldy Jolo |
Categories: abuse, addiction, adventure, anger, anxiety, betrayal, blue,


It doesn't need an "All-Out-War"
If you are brave enough do "All-In-Peace"
You never win the war

You love war
but you never feet the battlefield
never you defeat your "enemies"

The one you called "rebels"
You gave command to the innocents
Money to life as an exchange

Do not think your guns are powerful enough
Your bullets supplied much
How about food?

Remember within five years
you have warning from the UN
Do not forget dear oppressor!

You will never win the war!
That's the promise of blood
Take it as an advice
but not from the expert


I love you peace. Let's sail together. Layag Sug!

Lotus Garden, Mabini Street, Manila City
February 2015

by Thabang Ngoma |
Categories: children, how i feel, school,

The Dying Grass

The thud of the chalk duster 
Scatters the young minds
Of the dying grass

The lessons they rote like mist
Rolling over mountains of screams
To muffled ears 

Plastic bags of white powder 
Clouds so many innocent dreams
Into body bags

The school gates open
To the street teaming with life lessons
From short supplied textbooks 

The history books turn a page
To wet fingers of a silent class 
Itching for progress in their stagnancy

Flickering like a candle 
Placed in a half empty glass
Tossed into the wind to echo ignorance

Locked behind high cement walls  
Laughter poured from a tap of love
To water the seeds of the fruit of knowledge

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: hope, peace,

New Year 2013

N  ow is the time to reflect on the past
E  very mistake noted, you have to learn fast
W e must listen to what the young ones ask

Y  uletide  time for 3 wishes anew
E  very minute brings hope just for a few
A  ll prayers asked but not all replied
R  easons for not granting not supplied

2  more wishes  , health is one to retrieve
0  bad moments to perceive-
1  more wish , for love all over the world
3  cheers for the flag of peace to be unfurled.

by Betty Harp Butler |
Categories: god, inspirational, love,

The Greatest Gift

If I could choose one gift
from God’s basket filled to spare,
I’d have to think about it…
maybe even offer a prayer.

I’d pray for wisdom to choose the greatest,
of all the gifts He has supplied.
Then, I’d choose the gift of LOVE,
the one gift, that forever will abide.

Other gifts have failed to pass,
the test of the ages long past.
But, LOVE will never fail.
It will last, and last, and last.

by Adrienne Theuret |
Categories: depression, fear, lost love, love, sad, love,

Finding Love

Finding love is hard to master 
Can I not make this go any faster
Oh please this is going to be a disaster

Something just knocked at my door
I wonder what is in store
Oh so excited I just cant ignore 

What is this sound I hear 
Is my love near
Oh now I am supplied with fear

I see a figure of smoke 
I feel someones poke
Oh no what if its just a joke

Now seeing a body lying on the ground 
I am alone and no one is around
Oh is it him I found

He looks as if dead
Is this all in my head 
Oh never will this happen again

by Kacey Greenlee |
Categories: uplifting

''swept Away''

A dance of two entangled beasts.
Stars supplied light.
Happiness sought for only this moment.
Left love be known.

  The Prehistoric Pals Contest.....
    written by..Kacey Greenlee

by Sheri Smith |
Categories: mother,

Happy Mother's Day

Here is a shout out to all the mothers near and far
The beautiful, strong, wise, gifted, mothers that you are
Celebrate yourself today, and everyday hereafter
May your day be filled with only joy and laughter
Celebrate your struggles
Celebrate your strive
Celebrate the loveliness that God has supplied 
Love yourself in all that you do
And know that you are thought about in a amazing way
Thank you to all the mothers with your embracing love and amazing grace

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: appreciation, mothers day,

My Mothers' Day

My son made the arrangements – 
Got the flowers and the food.
My husband, daughter, grandkids,
In-laws rounded out the brood.

We haven’t been together since
Pandemic time began
But Mothers’ Day and sunshine
Formed the basis of the plan:

A talent show indoors and then
An afternoon outside,
With space to play and lunch
And even birthday cake supplied.

The moms all got bouquets,
My daughter frolicked with the grands
And anyone with family,
I’ll bet, surely understands

That sometimes just a get-together’s 
All you really need
To emphasize the love and help
Despondency recede.

by Sara Mcdougald |
Categories: angst, funny, love,


Everything I've ever wanted
I found in you
Everything I've ever needed
You supplied
You're my sun, my moon
The  star that lights my night
You are the sweetness to sugar
The sparkle to diamonds
You are what make my world right
Your touch is like the caress of a soft summer breeze
Your presence like the visitation of the almighty Himself
Your eyes, your nose, your lips , your mouth
Are all the symbols of beauty
You are all that I'll ever need
And all that I'll ever want
And if you believe that
I'll tell you another one!

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: hate, love,

Take the Gloves Off


Supplied with boxing gloves,
the size of eyes, nose, mouth, teeth

man, woman, child
like stampeding steeds

with steam of a motorcar
the spring released

what the blank happened —
blackout of the human race


Supplied with hands that love,
a daisy chain with fresh Spring

newborn race twists smiles
and kindness into serenity beads

hugs handed out like delicious treats
harmony dancing in the streets

ice packs and dentists no longer needed
hate and violence no longer seeded


by Beata Agustin |
Categories: appreciation, blessing, christian, faith, god, jesus, spiritual,

Sense of Satisfaction

Secured by the Saviour’s seal of satisfaction* Settled am I upon Scriptures’ salvation-security... Separated against satanic strongholds Standing despite stormy sorrows and sufferings... Supplied with grace-sufficiency Succeeding as a faithful steward though struggling from sins... Surely soulwinning, serving, supplicating Savouring God’s love, showing His compassion... Sharing His goodness of kindness-touch Supernaturally sowing righteousness’ seeds.
Proverbs 19:23 The fear of the LORD tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil. July 17, 2019

by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: funny

Soup Supper

Post Thanksgiving, church social
Pot of soup, Love the Mexican cornbread
Glad to get together for some fellowship

School starts back tomorrow, three weeks 
Till Christmas holidays, hope everyone's
Dreams come true

Peace, Love, healing, happiness, salvation
Supplied daily needs, to all and to all a good nights sleep!!

by Don Johnson |
Categories: adventure,

Sixties Tin Pants

Destroyer ~ Poet Contest Name (ANY) Poem Of the week. so wear your tin pants indeed, like the sixtys girls did need, a tin opener supplied, the frustrated guys had cried, when love got up to speed, the pill now applied... what next the weed, poor ole johnsons aigs got fried... inside, 4 some buggers need... or have i lied, access denied... thanks Russell ya done didit again with birds n bees... Don Johnson

by Wilbert Dela Cruz |
Categories: life, love, nature,


Love knows no boundaries
It can never subjected through time
Love knows not even fear
Love will make things very clear

Love is full of mystery
Treasures, surrounds it's way
it has the strength to follow where the wildest dreams may lead
Love is truly what we need

Love itself, yearns to be cherished
Love itself, seeks to be found
It loves the notion of a whisper and a silent breeze
Love can be yours, as long as you please

Love already existed even before life begun
It was love which gave light, into the sun
Love has supplied us with the will to do what we need to do
Love is now here, forever, simply because" I love You."

by: Wilbert Evangelista Dela Cruz

by Randy Johnson |
Categories: death, dedication, mom, tribute,

My Life Would Be So Much Better

My life would be so much better if you hadn't become sick and died.
You were a wonderful person because love was what you supplied.
My life would be so much better if you had gotten well.
But you died in the hospital and life became pure hell.
My life would be so much better if you were still around.
I wish I could still hear your voice because it was such a beautiful sound.

[Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.]

by Drjim Martin |
Categories: character, christian, encouraging,


Dr. James E. Martin

Salvation He so graciously provides,
	Secure are you as in Him you abide.
Heaven awaits all who to Him submit,
	Hell will never these ones admit.
Amazing display of His endless love,
	Aware we should be of provision from above.
Reverence to Him we should continually show,
	Reluctance to this attitude we should always forego.
Eternally with Him we’ll joyfully abide,
	Evermore grateful for all He has supplied!

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: change, love,

Until You Came With Love

Did you know that
there was a time
I hovered
between now and never?

I roamed my space blindfolded
thinking I knew it all.
Like a rocket, I felt
I was flying upwards
only to fall in disgrace.
Hope reigned
but soon I found
I was but
an empty shell.
All I had struggled for
seemed in vain.

Until you came on the scene.
Showed me my failings,
praised my efforts,
moved me in the right direction.
You oozed with energy,
supplied great thoughts.
I knew what joy was.
I looked at the future.
I felt hope once more.
Not euphoria,
not elated thoughts.
Just plain common sense
which is not common at all.
All because of you.