Love Poems About Suppressed or Suppressed Love Poems
by Silent One |
Categories: love, romance,

Poetic Personification

Honey vapour scents travelled among seduced tepid zephyrs. This was not a dream for I was within the realms of reality, as fate's footsteps led my heart back to forgotten pastures. Her persona was poetic personification, yet I was lost for words, so in simple silence, souls serenaded suppressed symphonies. The idyllic radiance of her eyes became a timeless memory, the warmth of our first kiss an eternal celestial connection.
Silent One 21 June 2018 Example for seven lines of romantic heaven poetry contest

by Keshan Govender |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, dance, dream, for her, love, passion,

Our Dance, Must End

The lead you own; your charge I accept
Your feet lithe, my eyes mesmerized 
My joy suppressed, hope found
Your hand in mine, my dream alive. 
Points important, the moment more 
As you glide, my wonder is nourished
A spectator, a partner; my roles, both
Your delicate motions, I relish. 
Each step an accomplishment known
The first twirl, my fear shown
The second, aggravation grown
The beginning forgotten, but procrastination key
As the dip is done, my body is numbed
The end of an assessment; the loss of your grasp.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: beauty, nature,

As Nature Sings

As Nature Sings
Nature invites with a willingness to sing When sunlight gently raises life's baton For tis joy, it's melody delights to bring As in one voice it breaches the placid dawn listen to a prelude from a Mourning Dove Hear the intermezzo from a docile wind Dance to the rhythm of the limbs and leaves Wander through the wonders of a meadow There are never falsehoods with its rhymes No need of dignity to be suppressed Just love for life in these, the best of times Today, it's priceless gift to be possessed C.W,S. 05/04/2020

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, anxiety, depression, emotions, feelings, love, sad,

It'll Show Itself

You would often pretend, unable to defend a girl home each weekend all by herself. You always looked depressed your feelings seemed suppressed, placing thoughts not expressed on a bookshelf. When you feel sad inside, happiness gets denied and hopes and doubts collide, damning oneself. Anxieties begin attacking you, wherein all trust withers within, blaming yourself. You doubt love does exist, although your friends insist that if you'd but persist, it'll show itself.

by Rohit Sharma |
Categories: love,


Today I have to confess,
I have been suppressed.
By you, 
Else who?
You have stolen my heart,
By you,
My sleepiness is being thwart.
The way you smile,
It freeze me for a while.
I wanna be your fringe hair,
To disturb your face,
This is my love's base,
I couldn't help myself,
From staring you.
If I am a grass,
You're morning dew.
I am tired of tolerating all this,
I love you all my life,
This is my wish......

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: angst, anxiety, feelings, life,

Life's A Puzzle

Fragments of crumbing emotions morph into all the different shapes necessary; to complete the puzzle of life. My youth is a collage of missing bits and pieces, fragmented memories of family; haunting, faded recollections. I recall a few fleeting moments of happiness, and yet, the veil of time shadows the rest. I don't remember any suppressed stuff; those old scars still mark my dreams as incomplete. Can love compose a meaningful picture from so many misshapen pieces; find the castaway cut-outs, and start shaping new ones? Life is a puzzle; and like all puzzles, if you want to see the completed picture, you need to fill in the pieces.

by Sarita Milliner |
Categories: appreciation, celebration, dedication, freedom, hero, how i feel, memory,

Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day Tribute

Memories of the Men and Women, who served,
Emotional tributes so well deserved.
Moments of solitude with thoughts preserved,
Outpours of love so vividly observed.
Revolutions of dangers you so bravely swerved,
Inhibitions and fears suppressed and reserved.
Always ready to protect, even the undeserved,
Loyal to a fault, with energy conserved.

Dedication and valor are the pins you ware,
Attributes of service, loyalty beyond compare.
Your selfless acts of duty, always remembered through prayer!

Written By: Sarita A. Milliner © 5/30/16

by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: depression, faith, grave, hope, humanity, love, pain, people, places, religious,

Long Arms of Tender Compassion

Long arms of tender compassion
Oneness of embittered Humanity
Visceral faith was your salvation
Encompassing all vain materialism
Lenitive of the corporal punishment 
Illuminating a hope encrypted in a
Necropolis of suppressed ideas 
Extruding life from deep darkness  
Seeping rain from saturated soil
Sedative of every entombed soul

by Tiffany Diaz |
Categories: boyfriend, first love, girlfriend, poetry,

Poets Dozen Ordered

Nervously gazing 
Across the table he stared
Watching my silence 

My hunger ceasing, As a Poet's Dozen ordered 
Sipping a glass of wine, Becoming much more forward

Now served our dinner, Filling our mouths blind with food
Emotions much less suppressed, As its body crepted upon our nerves

 Us Two
To which was bliss
Liquid courage approved 
Twisted our tongues without a Kiss

by Shining Bright |
Categories: culture, emotions,

It Is About Me Now

clouds are pouring none stop,
bearing their all,
emotions suppressed,
after a very long time,
giving her the chance to do the same..
walking in the energetic train,
of love so deep,
now lost,
tears of joy,
being grateful for all elements,
humbled by adversity
trying force me to grow up at age 26,
i know my fate,
the destiny i create,
painted canvas reflect my soul,
with open wings
waiting to embrace my heart
i am roshan from the blue skies,
excellent and thorough in what i do,
the hand that points a finger at me,
has four fingers pointing
right back at you 
now that I have said my say
let me be to live my life

by Kerri-Ann Codrington |
Categories: life, time, uplifting, life, me,


A vague vision suppressed by my pass life
my future seems blurry, yet rich and enhanced by my present life.
Life as a student as taught me so much 
To hate and to love, and even not to trust

I've learned to take life just as it comes
with the up hills and the down hill and the crazy things it throws

I long to be accepted but instead I get
the oppose of what i lust

I trust no one and I've never believed in love 
i create my destiny and I can mold yours to 

And that's because I'm you
I am others just like me 

And I am who I want to be
A blur yet making an impact on the life of others

A silent partner climbing the hills called life
taking on that everyday strive.

by Dave Collins |
Categories: appreciation, humanity, inspiration, perspective, self, society, truth, wisdom,

Waywords and Tumble Needs

we are here only for 
the pure joy of Living, 
a perfect simplicity of
blend requiem of life well lived
cognizant of ill pressed non beliefs
distant ***** dagger domestications
prisoner soulless sex socializations
livid love lies, greedy gonad gossip
self levied hate from sources abrupt
from in to ex turnal left on 
suppressed brain avenues ahead.
Only back issues available, all
forward enterprises, ticketable,
jailable, own your thought police.
A Candid jubilee recipe awaits us; 
A heart full unconditional love
cup of Self Awareness concentrate, 
a pinch of truth, integrity, empathy,
mix carefully into one's soul, steep o'er night
wake up one with everything, everyone.

by Jenna-Nichole Conrad |
Categories: allegory, angst, introspection, love, nostalgia,

My Love

My Love
It's gaping maw insatiable,
Crawls trembling toward lurid

It is a bottom feeder;
An aphorism for suppressed passion.

That amorphous wretch:
Refusal to cease equating
Suffering and nonsense,
To love and the masquerade-

I shiver at the thought.

"My Love"
Jenna-Nichole Conrad

by Karis Watie |
Categories: angst, love

Twisted Love

Summertime blues
in the middle of fall
I'm faced with a problem
I can't fix at all

Sleep is hard to find
My feathers are bent
writing you love letters
that I hope get sent

My laughs are covered
My smiles are sick
Sun set suppressed emotions
that have yet to click

On bended knee I'm leaning 
praying to above

With a kiss
I tell you this

"You are the one I love."

by Autumn Ehrhardt |
Categories: introspection, girl, girl,

Sleep Racing, Daily 41

Sleep’s enemy is the racing mind.
The girl gets caught in judging
Viewing  kaleidoscope unkind

He’s better
She’s an idiot
I’m furious
They are malicious
All vicious

Up throughout the night
The girl keeps pain cycling
Love suppressed by might.

Who’s tortured: not idiot or false friend.
The girl becomes a zealot
With no peace to make it end.

by Natasha Prins |
Categories: emo,

Forsaken Love

A dormant volcano, it appears to sleep,
Stirring within, waiting to be freed.
It burns with such fire, so fierce & so deep,
Abundantly flowing, yet hopelessly seeps.

A love so intense, it's yet to be seen,
Her passion's explosive, overwhelmingly keen.
It runs through her veins, slowly going to waste,
Disappointment and heartache was all that she faced.

Buried so deep, a long lost treasure,
Hidden beneath her, this forsaken pleasure.
A love so suppressed, just seeking it's place, 
It patiently waits, to erupt in all it's grace.

by Benu P Guragain |
Categories: betrayal, confusion, dark, depression, desire, grief, recovery from,

The Life Was Mine

What started from a stop
With single steps at a time
The journey that began when i was blind
Though was endless, uncertain
The path was mine

The flying dreams
Suppressed inner screams
Carried along for a long time
Though boundless, soundless
The dreams were mine

In the middle of the road
When confused where to go
The accompanying hand 
who would let me know
The course and the way to flow
That love that i could not find
Although shattered and turned blind
The love was mine

With all the wandering goals
That lives within this inanimate soul
The life that never stopped trying
Although seems lifeless, concealed in the darkness
The life was mine

by Jodie Williams |
Categories: goodbye, lost love, heart, heart,

Coal Seeds

I buried my heart today
I stood beside the mound of earth
I'd tirelessly dug away
I don't think I dug deep enough
So I dig a deeper grave

So there my heart will lie
Motionless, consumed with hurt
Loaded with the tears I'd cried
Now suppressed with fresh-dug dirt
Not even worth a last goodbye

How deep it lays, can't be measured
Compacted into Earth's tenebrous core
To suffocate beneath the pressure
Perhaps becoming useful once more
Coals will be diamonds, my heart will be precious

4th March 2013

by Bethany Klassen |
Categories: blessing, change, christian, conflict, freedom, green, truth,


Am I wrong to find it such a chore
Same time and place, same day each week
We listen to one wise man speak
Does it speak to my heart, to my core
Or is listening sometimes just a bore
The flags, the dancers and emotions peak
It overwhelms the orthodox and meek
Perhaps this week my spirit will soar
Why do I come, theres got to be more
More of the one I desperately seek

I’ll find him in the mountains though
There I see Him, I feel so blessed 
The stars, the heights, they amaze me so
His love and presence can not be suppressed
Let hate, disputes and selfishness go
Go out into mountains and be refreshed

by Venessa Medina-Rosas |
Categories: love, passion, emotions,


Love me so tender,so deep and so true,
Uncertain emotions struck so soon,
Is this the life we loved and knew,
Suppressed emotions released on you,

Resisting temptations evil undoings,
Open and trusting,I love how we do this,
Sophisticated feelings left us in bliss,
And when the world is threw with us,
Somehow we'll manage to leave with a kiss.

by Andrei Manzon |
Categories: for her, hope, how i feel, i love you, love, romance, true love,

Torn Apart

Beautiful facade of optimism and light 
Doing whatever it takes in making things right, 
How I came to love you I do not know, 
A love that I must fully and awesomely show. 

With my cowardice I have suppressed
These feelings I hold tight in my chest, 
As I began to realize how my heart yearns for you, 
I now know to accept my own fate's due, 

I must make you happy even if you are not mine, 
All I have to do is to give you more time, 
To find yourself in the darkness of self-doubt,
And be prepared to bring all of these feelings out.

by Tamra Craft |
Categories: angst, girlfriend-boyfriend

Love Blinds Truth

Glaciers float around obsidian pupils
In the crystal pools of my world.
I press against the razored quills
Of companions fates unfurled.

Vines of discredit wrap the columns
Of all the secrets suppressed.
Rooted in the depths of swollen gums
And branded against milky flesh.

Ripples waver over blind eyes
Glistening with sarcastic humor.
Never sees the failings, soon demise
Deaf to the undulating rumors.

by Bob Quigley |
Categories: lost love,

Love Interrupted

Love Interrupted

My footsteps crunch upon the gravel drive
It is the only sound, the silence broken	
A sense of solemn sadness I derive
The pain I thought I'd buried has awoken

The granite marker calls as if to say
Come closer, stay awhile, we've missed you so
Suppressed emotions since you went away
Rush to my eyes, Oh God, I loved you so

I bend and kiss the ground in which you sleep
Hoping that you know that I am here
Fond memories of the love we shared I reap
Pictures on my heart that keep you near

My fingers brush the carvings on the stone
And know that I no longer can remain
I'm coming love, you will not sleep alone
The blade upon my wrist seeks out the vein

Bob Quigley
14 Aug 2011

by John Mcgrath |
Categories: inspirational,

Can I?




by Edward Clapham |
Categories: love,

Shades of the Past

Shades of the past

Let not the shades of the past haunt 
the corporeal present, nor shape
what might become; instead
lay them to rest in some quiet grave,
there to dissolve amongst the wriggling 
worms and grow a flower'd bush whose
scent fills the air and invites in the future.
Turn the inner voice to sweeter things, 
To possibility and the excitement of
Novelty, with all its attendant fears
Subdued by the eager inner tension
Of anticipation, the alluring prospect
Of love, fulfilment of suppressed dreams,
The past but preparation for now.