Love Poems About Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Love Poems
by Kp Nunez |
Categories: beauty, god, sea, thanksgiving,


Watching sunrise, shoreline's ablaze
Love letter sent from Thee
I sing a psalm, an Easter palm
And start my day with glee.

Watching sunset, shoreline's agleam
A note Thou sent with smile
I heave a sigh, a love's reply
And thank God for this isle.

No. 2 Shoreline
Let Me Feel Your Lines - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud
31 March 2015

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: love, thanks, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day,

Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Today, dear Lord, we gather here In fellowship and love, Mindful of the wondrous gifts That come from thee, above. For this feast, we thank thee, Lord For health, that here abounds; The love, that fills and warms our hearts- For children’s happy sounds. For shelter in our cozy homes For freedom of this land; The right to live the life we choose- For nature’s bounty, grand. These blessings you bestow on us Outshine all want and strife. We thank thee, Lord for this day, We thank thee, Lord, for life.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: celebration, family, forgiveness, love, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day,

Thanksgiving Celebrations

Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.
With family reminisce past,
All our love now remembering
Come together watch our hearts sing.
Nothing earthly will ever last,
Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.

If stumbling stones stand in your way
Remove them this Thanksgiving Day.
With family reminisce past,
Nothing earthly will ever last.
Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.

Sonnetina Rispetto

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: celebration, christmas, family, holiday, love, thanksgiving,


 making each holiday
 Our gifts 
 shall vanish 
 but fostered love
 will bind us together 
 as one.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Dr. Mehta’s Contest 

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, thanksgiving day,

Thanksgiving Day

Around the grown up table bowed in prayer
Familiar faces etched upon my mind
Back then, I never thought the love we shared
Would be so rare, to be one of a kind

How blessed we were in fam'ly fellowship
When kids would play outside 'til called to eat
We held our backyard football championship
While moms and aunts swapped recipes for sweets

And then we'd form a circle holding hands
Each one would say what they were thankful for
As faces disappear I understand
The love we shared will last forevermore

Thanksgiving Day we'll gather once again
I'll say I'm thankful for my time with them

by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: holiday, thank youthanksgiving, love,

Thanksgiving Pudding

Mix up all the love felt for my family, God, and Home.

Sprinkle in the gratitude for material blessings from above.

Blend well, holiday cheer.

Whip the the blues and set aside.

Let the Joy rise to overflowing.

let all the friends partake of the blessings, Warm the hearts of others in my path, sautee the 
ingredients and Share the Love with all the neighborhood. Set a spell and enjoy.

My Recipe for Thanksgiving Pudding

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: christmas, holiday, thanksgiving,



Harvest of food
Families gather close
Warm love

Christmas joy
Give and receive
Gifts...but best is the love

© Sandra M. Haight 2014 
   All Rights Reserved

~3rd Place~
Contest: Cinqku Poem - Holidays
Sponsor: Dr. Ram Mehta
Judged 12/09/2014

by Jim Pemberton |
Categories: character, christian, dedication, devotion, emotions, faith, forgiveness, friendship, god, happiness, hope, how i feel, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, jesus, life, love, people, religion, religious, sin, spiritual, uplifting,

How I Need Jesus

Dear Jesus…  I realize
how much I really need you!
  I want to honor, 
love and trust you!

I  know that others will
disappoint me…
I know that you’re here….  
And will take care of me!

  Your principles of holy
living is what you taught!
Love, Joy and peace…
is what you brought!

 May I bring honor 
 to your name!
Your message of salvation,
I need to proclaim!

Dear Jesus…  You’re all I need!
 And so much more!
It’s you that my life 
was meant for!

 I offer to you, my lord, 
praise and thanksgiving!
For all you’ve done,
 And the life you’re giving!

You all I’ll ever need!  
The anointed one!
There’s victory in YOU!
Life’s battles are won!

By Jim Pemberton

by Judy Ball |
Categories: thanksgiving,

My Thanksgiving Prayer

I have so much to thank You for,
You've been so good to me.
You've given me sun, and wind, and rain,
And shelter 'neath the trees.

You've shown me the beauty of the moon's silver glow,
Against the black velvet sky;
And the quiet beauty of the winter's snow,
And the music of the wind's soft sigh.

You've been my friend in time of need,
You've comforted every tear,
Chastised me for my selfish greed,
And quieted every fear.

You've given me to eat and drink,
And clothes for me to wear.
You've given me a place to live,
Without a doubt, You care.

I have so much to thank You for,
So where can I begin?
Your love has reached my very core,
Your giving has no end.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: christmas, thanksgiving, tribute,

Happy Holidays

It's that time of year- Holidays are near! First will come Thanksgiving Day; families all meet- round the table, eat! Thankfully, join hands and pray. Then, comes Christmastime! Happy bells soon chime welcoming peace and goodwill. Sharing gifts with love; thanking God above for these blessings which fulfill!

by Dana Redricks |
Categories: beauty, christian, faith, god, love, thanksgiving,

God, You Are Amazing

Author Dana Redricks
May 11, 2017

There are no words 
to describe how great you are.
You are the great I am
from beginning to the end
You’re the eternal God
You are our Father
You are our Sheppard, provider, 
our deliverer,
You are the king of kings
The creator of everything
You are amazing
In all the universe, 
there is none like you
You are amazing, amazing God
Each creature with its own design
You are the master builder
You’re one of a kind
You are amazing, amazing God

by Eve Roper |
Categories: earth, imagery, nature,

Preserved In My Breath

In motion through all spiritual existence, my warm, cool, tendrils leave a trail through long distance under the shadows of the cosmos in peaceful coexistence. I sigh with devotion, the beauty nature has become with my assistance. I touch and caress you without any resistance. I look at creation, a sweet, innocent child, and I love the way it moves. My Warm, cool, tendrils leave a trail through long distance, feasting in pristine, faith, and Thanksgiving. Humanity approves. 11/5/2017

by Bill Baker |
Categories: caregiving, life, love, thanksgiving,


Being more open to others’ ideas
Being helpful when I encounter the helpless
Being loving when I see those that seem unlovable
Being slow to anger when I feel I’m being attacked
Being understanding when others make mistakes 
Being non-judgmental when people are different from me
Being thankful for all that comes into my life

by John Stasukevich |
Categories: appreciation, desire, emotions, feelings, love, spiritual, thanksgiving,

Psalm For the Broken

Desperate, broken, needing love
Descending low through the air
Your Holy Spirit like a dove
Came to me in my despair

Confused, tattered, bitterly torn
Needing a full release
By your grace I am reborn
Now I know your loving peace

Day by day I’m seeking you
In your Word you are found
It tells me that I’m brand new
Your mercy and love richly abound

I am filled with joy and I sing
Blessing you with all my heart
Worshiping and praising my God & King
Honor and glory to You I impart

Thank you, Lord, for calling me
Out of the muck and mire
You opened my heart and eyes to see
It is truly You that I desire

		John Stasukevich

by John Watt |
Categories: bible, jesus,

Jonah: Reluctant Prophet

To preach to Ninevah was not his wish - 
So sailing west, the prophet disobeyed. 
When God appointed wind and storm and fish 
To punish, teach, and save him, Jonah prayed:
"I called out to the Lord in my distress, 
I cried for help from deep within my grave. 
With songs of great thanksgiving will I bless 
Your name. You answered me - I know you save.”
Then preaching holy wrath, he watched the city 
From low to high repent and seek the Lord. 
God showered all with mercy, love, and pity 
Then Jonah's faith he patiently restored. 
Three days; salvation; grace; all intertwine
As Christ's prophetic resurrection sign.

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: appreciation, birthday, love, memory, mother,

To My Mother On Her Birthday

For My Mother

You are the Thanksgiving bounty to bless
The angel on our Christmas tree
You are summer flowers and winter nests
Birthdays and anniversaries
Handwritten thank you cards and recipes
In despair's cold, your warmth is shown
As the lighted pathway bringing us home
Out of a darkly weary day
You're more love than can fit in a poem
But I'm gonna try, anyway


by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: faithlife,

Blend Away the Stark Edges

Drawing and life are similar
The edges in a drawing are blended away
The tight edges in life soften with time
We love more, and see our fraility more
With blessed time, time we are given
Time to know our edges are soft
Time to know we need a loving redeemer
Time for faith to grow deep
Thanksgiving grows with a deep faith.

by Bryan Norton |
Categories: joy, love, thanksgiving,


Grin, for the gift of laughter
Grin, for the lift you’re after
Grin, to begin
With no cause
For chagrin

Grin, for the show you steal
Grin, for the glow that's real
Grin, for the spin 
Of the song
You are in

Rush, to the food you’re missing
Gush, in the mood for kissing
Dream, once again 
By the way
That you grin 

Grin, for the joy of living
Grin, like a toy for giving
Grin, with a chin
That is proud
Of your skin

Grin, for the blues you shattered 
Grin, for the news you mattered
Grin, for the win
That you get
From within

Life, is the sun we borrow 
Strife, can be done tomorrow
Hate, is the sin
So please
Just, grin.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: blessing, love, thanksgiving,


Oh, divine love,
You that succeed in unifying:
Our hearts
Our minds, and
Our souls
Who merge our beings,
Into ONE,
So each is replicated by   
The other,
With the:
Same feelings
Same thoughts
Same energy
Same concern, and
Same devotion
Who never leave
A heart's beat unduplicated
A sentiment unmatched
A smile unreturned
A tear unanswered
A pain unfelt
A life unreciprocated, and
A death unenvied!

To you, oh Love,
My eternal gratitude I would like
To offer


Blessed I am today
You, at last, I have

©Demetrios Trifiatis
    04 February 2021

by Judy Ball |
Categories: holiday,

Thanksgiving Dinner

I roasted stuffed turkey, made candied yams,
Made holiday jello, baked pies, dirtied pans.

Made mashed potatoes to cover with gravy,
Glazed carrots and biscuits, I'm cooking like crazy.

My daughter came over with grandchild in tow,
Giving my holiday that much needed glow.

I love the holidays and gathering with family.
It's so good to see everyone gathering happily,

Laughing and joking and sharing good cheer.
I wish more would come celebrate with all of us here.

by Dana Redricks |
Categories: beautiful, christian, creation, inspirational, jesus, song, thanksgiving,

Be Grateful

Author Dana Redricks
March 17, 2020

It's so easy to complain
when there's so much
we need to be grateful for
I want to be grateful, be 
grateful for what I have
I'm thankful for God blessings
No time to be stressing
When we look around we see
destruction all around, but we
hardly stop to view the beauty
of God's creation and the love
that can be found. There's 
beauty in the ashes
We need to light the matches
and let the love of Jesus shine 
in the midst of the darkness
Be grateful, be grateful for
What we have

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: christian, faith, inspirational love, introspection, thanksgiving, truth, wisdom,


I am thankful for what
I have and what I do
not have, seeing the trials
and tribulations of those
less fortunate -- 

thankful for shadows as
well as brilliance, 
humanity often lost in the opulent

thankful for the weight
of poverty, my soul bears

asking not to be kept
from hunger and thirst
that brings me nearer to 
Thee – trusting always that
You will provide, whatever
my spirit needs to soar with
Graces – Blessings to all! 

by Hugo Sarvida Jr. |
Categories: introspection, sunset, thanksgiving,

Introspection In Sunset

Sunset is the time to rethink
A moment to ponder on
A time to a long silence
A time to breath in the open
A time for gathering new ideas
A time for thanksgivings
A time to requiem a requital love
An opportunity to reset
And an opportunity to reequip.

by David Meade |
Categories: love, thanksgiving,

Love Touch

laughter filled the day

             food, family, friends . . . now bed

                 skin to skin . . . . thankful 

David Meade
Live Generously

by Suyash Saxena |
Categories: depression, desire, feelings, first love, freedom, how i feel, image, imagination, immigration, innocence, mystery, sweet, symbolism, teenage, thanksgiving, together, trust,


Allow me another moment,
A moment in your nostalgia,
The moment that stretches to eternity.

Allow me another mile,
A mile by your side,
The mile that transcends the dead-end.