Love Poems About Toddlers or Toddlers Love Poems
by Mark Ackerson |
Categories: growing up, love,

Love Comes

Infants bond from basic needs to mother’s scent,
understanding nothing of the love that’s spent.
Toddlers cry whenever they don’t get their ways,
children pout against the pane on rainy days.

Teens within a circle that fulfills their needs,
grow to see the roses hid behind the weeds.
Those who give because they love is always learnt,
gifts of time, a simple rhyme or candles burnt.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beautiful, daffodils, feelings, imagery, imagination, nature, spring,

Full of Possibilities

Spring arrives with daffodils, showers, and unbridled joy. And paints smiles on the faces of every young girl and boy. Fields of colorful flowers mimic a tropical reef. And wide-eyed little toddlers stare in total disbelief. Nature provides a respite from winter's hostilities. For Spring's a magical time, full of possibilities. Gleaming in beams of sunlight, dewdrops sparkle like jewels. And spring fever's contagious for dreamers and April fools. Love is carried on the wind, in tranquility's embrace. And somehow, time seems to pause as hope and warmth interlace.

by Saanvi Dua |
Categories: nature, rain,

Nature At Its Best Charm

Tip tap splitter-splatter , 
Goes down the rain.
Flying down with a clatter , 
Creating brooks along the lane …

From the dark , fluffy clouds... 
Descending with the breeze..
Exciting the overjoyed crowds , 
Swaying along with the trees …..

Splashes in the cool puddles , 
Muddy footprints of toddlers and teens ... 
Accompanied by the pleasant sounds of guggles , 
And happy faces with wide beams …

It is a blessing , a form of love ...
No frowns , no sorrow ,  no hatred , no harm , 
Just healing the pains , smoothening the rough , 
Because nature is at its best charm ….

by John Fenn |
Categories: family, funny, husband, life, love, mother, people, wifegrandparents,

Something For the Weekend

We’re preparing the house for invasion
They’ll be here pretty soon, there’s no doubt
The valuable things, have been tucked away
Some items, sans worth, we’ve left out

There are locks on all of the cupboards
The breakable pieces are hidden
To stop those inquisitive hands
Some rooms, will now be, forbidden

With toddlers about to arrive
For a weekend of laughter and frolics
If these grand parents hope to survive
They will need to become alcoholics 

But we sit and drink tea in the parlour
It passes the time while we’re waiting
Tea helps to quell, the nerves that you feel
When you’re infanticipating

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: child,

Opening Doors

Toddlers love to open doors
And close them just as well.
The same applies to drawers, 
At least as far as I can tell.

Among my grandson’s favorite toys
Are vehicles with doors.
He opens and he shuts them
In a way that never bores.

For someone oh, so little,
Being tiny takes its toll
So it must feel quite amazing
Having doors at his control.

As I watch him close and open
With such serious intent,
What I wonder is, to Henry,
What those doors must represent.

by Johnny Rhinem |
Categories: angel, art, baby, love,

Jeremy Street

Having grown up with Sarah Seraphin and, Tristen Temple
Toddlers at Saint Nicks preparatory praetorian school of fine arts
Precocious, their quasi's trice musketeers quid pro quo ? His prodigies.

by Leon Enriquez |
Categories: change,

Bamboo Veil 5


Ancient tree
Weathered wisdom;
Stillness presides


Dawn hurls
Sparkling buzz;


Old man sits
Observes happenings;
Walkway detour


Toddlers congregate
Playground frolic;
Glee greets wonder


Hawker food
Queues winding;
Mealtime economics


Modern day buddha
Meditative moods;
Dazzling radiance


Cease to desire
Empty concessions;
Seize enlightenment


Church sermon
Grace instructs;
Truth sets free


There is a law
Beyond our flaws;
Love heals


Leon Enriquez
17 October 2016

by Shane Solomon |
Categories: fantasy, fear,

Halloween Night

From the grave and beyong my wicked hallow at my hand
I seen a ghost that made blood rain rom the sand
A cat that changed back into a school marm
A devilish beast with black as coal eyes, will certainly do harm
My zombie invited me for brains and tea
He plucked out the helps eyes and fed them to me
Trick or treaters ring my door bell
I open the gate and welcome them to hell 
For how I love to munch on toddlers
And sugary plump pretend, cops and robbers

by Natalie Railoun |
Categories: children, family, love, nostalgia,

Full Moon On the Helderberg

a late afternoon sighs
through the hibiscus hedge
red headed petals nod while
we pinch at each other mockingly
aged into one vine
grown apart but knotted at the heart
traded fan dangled ideas for familiar hearth
old garden chairs
recalls of toddlers antics
damp eyed at the men emerged 
almost over night in the door frames

years huge, pendulous 
bitter berries
sweet fruits
I don’t think I have a memory before you
nothing considerable at any rate
nothing worth remembering anyhow

darkness clears the light 
leaves the door open
to share a bed of fragrant evening blossom
to remember
we are who we have always been
that we belong here

by Catherine French |
Categories: animals

3 Furry Kids

Puff, Spook and Molly
Are two cats and a dog
They often entertain me,                                                                                                  
But they all eat like hogs.
They run and chase around the house
No matter day or night,
Sounds like an army traveling through
But no guns, biting or real fights.
It's like having little toddlers
Underfoot often in the day.
But like my kids, when they were young
I love to watch them play.

by Vickey Rhymer |
Categories: i love you,

Grand Daughter

An ugly cement factory grey brown
Smudged with what I couldnt say

hardly worth the trouble to 
gaze upon in the day

But lit up at night a toddlers delight
Look Amelia!, I would often relay

Wonder what's going on at the castle
Look how brightly it glitters how gay

Against the nights skyline truly transformed
Lit up to keep aircraft at bay

Perhaps they are having a Gala
 a Fete beyond compare

A wedding at night for a Princess and Prince
Just imagine what's going on there

by Margeret Bailey |
Categories: childhood, children, love,

One Whole Year!

Birthdays are special, indeed!
Children love to have big parties
with themes,
Parents are mesmerized by their
joy and the light in their eyes that gleam,
When toddlers turn ONE YEAR OLD!
Parents can't get a hold of themselves,
It seems,
Being a Year Old is synonymous to leaving the pee-wee
Parents have to give them space to roam,
The little tykes' autonomy take control,
The First Year will never come again,
For mothers it's bitter sweet relief,
The years creep up in the night like thieves,
Before they know it, the wee ones will be off on their 
Taking charge of entire towns.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: life,

Salesman On the Phone Game

Salesman on the phone
A game I play well.
Love it too

When my children were toddlers
I merely 
handed them the phone

When they got older 
I started trying to sell the salesman
aluminum siding, Tupperware, Avon, 

I called this new game
Beat the clock
The win was easy….did I beat my last time?

How long would it take
for the salesman to get irritated
and hang up.

My best time
Three minutes 
I am proud of that.