by Charlie Smith |
angel, prayer, spiritual,
As we worship, bring the silence
in gracious peace ring down the day.
Stay the light that's stained with violence,
deliver calm, pass ill storms away.
Send to us your guileless servant,
pure of faith and stainless heart.
Confer to him a truce so verdant
with joyous love and hope impart.
Stand guard against faults that rage
and spare less fortune from the cold.
Lift these hearts, fallen, fled with age
and never loose us from your hold.
Share with us your saving Grace
with harmony that men embrace.
Rhyming Poem On Angels Contest
Sponsored by Emile Pinet
by Carolyn Devonshire |
memory, nature,
Beneath the gilded clouds, there is a place
Where day’s first rays light up a sea of gold
Surrounded by slim stalks that bow in grace
To worship as the gentle winds unfold
And on this canvas there’s also a boat
Its bottom covered by the last night’s rain
So full that it can barely stay afloat
Upon green wetland shores it will remain
Just as the love we shared made full our hearts
Sweet memories of smitten teens live here
Their movie spun in nature’s finest arts
I wait, I watch and sometimes you appear
Each day while you’re away, I journey here
For it’s the only place that you feel near
by Kim Merryman |
faith, god, love, religion,
Be still and know that God is with you.
Be still and know His love is real.
Be still and know your Heavenly Father,
Feels every joy and pain you feel.
Be still and let God's love enfold you.
Be still and know His perfect peace.
Be still and know God is all-sufficient,
His grace and mercy will never cease.
Be still and know that God is for you.
Be still and know you're not alone.
Be still and know He'll ne'er forsake you.
He knows your name - you are His own.
Be still and know that God is holy.
Be still and learn His righteous ways.
Be still and know that God is worthy,
To receive our worship and our praise.
by Laura Breidenthal |
adventure, anxiety, cute love, emotions, feelings, imagery, kiss,
Upon shy reach,
His fingers touch mine—
Quickly though, they move away from me…
I bite his lips,
Crushing his coiling coy
And snatch his hands back onto me
I am a cobra…
I dance to the beat of his anxious worship
by Yoni Dvorkis |
What should I say to describe this empty feeling,
like I'm missing something I could call Home.
How would I come to deny a thought revealing,
given time and place, I'd invent my own.
A time spent in a state of agonizing pain,
A place of worship I would not forgive.
Only the mind undoes the past through vision gained,
in boundless timeless Love it all but lives.
by Michelle Faulkner |
betrayal, dark, desire, heartbreak, longing, lust, sad love,
A little in love
is all that I'll be
maybe I'll fall
just a degree
Maybe I won't
melt when he smiles
maybe my hope
won't run for miles
Maybe my world
won't encircle his face
maybe my heart
won't quicken its pace
Maybe his words
won't brazenly glow
maybe my nervous
worship won't show
Maybe he won't
counsel clandestine meetings
maybe his touch
won't be so fleeting
Maybe my mind won't be dazzled and meek
maybe my will won't be hollow and weak
Maybe I'll excuse his passion-borne bruises
maybe I'll use the face that he uses
A little in love
is all I'll concede
but love can be lies
fools like me believe.
by Lucilla Carrillo |
inspirational, christmas, christmas, joy,
C... Christ is being born on Christmas Day.
H...He will bring love and joy to the world.
R...Remember to honor Him this day.
I...Imagine Him in the Manger.
S...So many years ago it happened on a cold day.
T...Today He will bring us blessings.
M...May you open to Him your heart.
A...Always and forever praise Him.
S...Spread His cheer everywhere.
D...Don't stay away from Him.
A...Always worship in His name.
Y...You won't regret it, don't be ashamed.
Written by Lucilla M.Carrillo
For Christmas Joy Contest by Nathan a.
by Rollo West |
desire, love,
Part those sheets my love
And I will worship your skin
A true believer
by Tonya Belden |
i love you, inspirational, love,
When I am the wind,
and you are a leaf,
I will worship Thee
beyond belief.
Summer dances
across your skin,
when you are a leaf
and I am the wind.
When you are a leaf,
and I am the wind,
each passing day
I will return again.
If you desire
the warmth of the sun,
I will move the clouds
one by one.
You will feel the sun shine
for only Thee.
When I am the wind,
and you are a leaf.
When I am the wind,
and you are a leaf,
I will find you clinging
to a naked tree.
Colors distorted
by the changes of fall.
Still I will cherish you
most of all.
On a breeze I will carry thee
to all the places I've been,
When you are a leaf,
and I am the wind.
by Wendy Rycroft |
Happily, she sways,
Seeking gods praise,
Warmth from his blaze,
Inferno of heat,
Golden rays shine,
Her energy and strength,
Reaches high,
Winning her prize,
Yellow sunflower,
Huge petals, bathe
Celebrating her love,
Searching for light
Lifting spirits,
Cheerful and bright
What a beautiful sight
Standing so tall,
Rejoicing choir joins in,
Worship begins.
by Anita Sharma |
cheer up, crush, cute love, desire, emotions, i love you, i miss you,
He smiles and gazed
deeper in my eyes,
nuzzling closer
whispering words
I want to hear
sweetest love
take my breath away
he whispered
have confession to make
million ways making me quake
fuming hungers
A desire a passion
we can share
A secret
burning like fever
softly calls my name
warm as summer breeze
beckons me closer
he whispered
let me enter
alabaster temple of you
sweet like ambrosia
worship deep
secret delights
by Sukmawati Komala |
imagination, me, me,
blow me wind
o blow me away
To my favourite thoughts
dress in white satin
meet sweet jasmines
kiss red roses
white clouds
come alive
in their flapping tender wings
delicate drizzles
drop on my face
feel with
glittering loves
kiss me wind
o kiss me wild
ruffle my hairs
till i tickle giggle
blow me wind
o blow me away
to meet my sweetest memory
when i drank his first
stupid words
said “ i love you”
in a quite beautiful nuance
blow me wind
o blow me away
weather wise
such a lovely day
My favourite thoughts
i worship and adore
~sukmawati komala~
21 March 2013
by Jean Murray |
art, community, creation,
I'd like to write a poem
that might
Describe my delights.
Share my sorrows.
Expand my expectations.
Defeat my demons.
Justify my joy.
Anchor my anger.
Free my frustrations.
Worship my womanliness.
Bestow my bounty.
Cherish my children.
Harness my hopes.
Love my lard.
by Caroline Ball |
angst, beauty, betrayal, dark, deep, lost love, love,
Reaching out in the dark
for something that is now history
instead all alone by myself
my only friend is my own misery
True joy turned bitter memory
You destroyed me so damn beautifully
a friend turned lover, a lover turned mortal enemy,
yet this hatred I pretend to carry so easily
is a merely a mask to hide that i worship you like a deity
You left me broken and ashamed
Yet I only had myself blame
And now that you're only an image in my mind,
I will bury you deeply
in the part of my soul where all my sweetest dreams hide.
by Lakshmi K.S. |
faith, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, inspirational love, romantic love, strength,
You are a poet, your words form a poetry,
You are a magician, you have magic in your authenticity,
You are an artist, I adore your life's artistry,
You are perfect, your imperfections shape your existence with clarity,
You are courageous, I take pride in your bravery,
You are kind, I bow before your heart of charity,
You are a happy soul, I will always love you heartly,
You are rare, I worship you in austerity.
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
appreciation, black african american, for her, i love you,
Candice your worship is genuine
Attentiveness you do reside in
Never missing a day of devotion
Dedicating loving admiration
Inspiring inspiration prayers
Coveting scriptures and hymns
Enchanting beauty God's daughter
...>alas my love allow me to take thee to the altar<
written words by James Edward Lee Sr.©2018
by Sara Kendrick |
devotion, inspirational, love, upliftingheart, heart,
I worship you for the plan made for me
From the beginning you knew the tree
The sun, moon, stars nestled at height just right
An atmosphere that surrounds with good light
Through the centuries you knew when to come
To redeem humanity and touch man some
Bringing hope to a lost and dying world
With your teachings, blood, sweat, tears earth did swirl
The guider, comforter, holder of my heart
Omniscience, all knowledge from the very start
Capturing my heart with all that you made
Creating it from your words needed no spade
Exalt my redeemer, friend, comforter
Valentine, my heart is an admirer
(Second attempt at a sonnet. This is for the "I love you because" contest.)
by Jim Pemberton |
appreciation, best friend, faith, hope, inspirational, jesus, thanks,
Lord, I Praise and Thank You!
Lord, I praise and thank you
for this moment.
I give you my life,
with no postponement!
I repent of my backward
and sinful ways.
I lift up my hands and
give you praise!
I admit that I can’t do it on my own.
I invite you to be the lord of my home!
I come before you on bended knees.
And ask you to change
my life… Please!
You’re the one that I want
to daily seek!
You are so strong,
and I am so weak!
I love you Jesus! More than I can say!
Speak your words,
that I may obey!
I worship and bring honor
to your name!
Your message of salvation,
I’ll forever proclaim!
By Jim Pemberton 06/13/16
by L. J. Carber |
allusion, angst, appreciation, death, eulogy, evil, spiritual,
When Evil dances,
good hearts are stopped,
grief swells into an ocean,
asked, why him? why her?
why did they have to die?
No answers are given, for none
can be given, not in this world.
But as the soul is real, immortal,
then the murdered shall rise again,
alive in some other place, alive
in a world of endless dreaming
where love is never broken,
where love is never lost....
(Written to commemorate all those killed
senselessly in their places of learning or worship, or work or shopping,or anywhere it seems.)
by Elijah Zmuda |
evil, fear, mystery, philosophy, slavery, symbolism, wisdom,
Many worship created things;
Some have engraved images that are dreams.
Egytians worshiped the north star;
Just as indians sought many things from afar.
Reality is a fact from above;
Altered reality is a missonseption of true love.
Law and order keeps tle peace;
Chaos came from the Romans and the Greeks.
God created atoms of many kinds;
Elements from the ground formed mankind.
To worship oneself is to be blind;
Ifs the mark of the beast that's in their mind.
by Sara Kendrick |
faith, love,
There is a God-Man from Galilee
Who totally, passionately loves me
What can I do to love Him too?
Worship, praise, steadily pursue
Let thoughts of Him be in totality
Inspired by ~Skat~'s contest
Not an entry....
by Dorian Petersen Potter |
blessing, faith, hope, love,
~In His Image~
In his image He’s created us all
New things are all possible in His name
He’s our Father. He watches from Heaven
Indeed He deserves all the Glory
Son of God, Jesus Christ is our Savior
Infinite love He pours us all. He surely
Moves my spirits with His Infinite Love
Angels worship and serve Him constantly
God our Father is full of love and mercy
Enjoy forever all His blessings.
Dorian Petersen Potter
Aka ladydp2000
by Brian Strand |
faith, places
The peace of love
from heaven sent
The joy of faith
that grace presents
Release from sin
my forgiveness brings
In praise from lips
true worship sings
Peace,love and joy,all by God's grace
When I turn to Him,face to face
by Ruth Phipps |
He gave His life for me and you,
To Him He wants us to be true.
He wants us to live for Him each day,
Help others to find the way.
He wants us to listen and to pray,
To trust Him every step of the way.
He wants us to be loving and kind,
A better friend you will never find.
He wants us to give Him praise,
To serve Him all our days.
Jesus wants us as His own,
To worship Him around His throne.
To love others as He did say,
To listen to His voice And obey,
Enjoy the beauty He made all around,
In all things He can be found.
by Randy Johnson |
god, mom, new year, new years day,
I welcome 2019, I'm glad it's here.
I hope it will be an excellent year.
Many years ago on every New Year's Day, Mom cooked hog jowls and black eyed peas.
But I didn't like those meals very much, I wasn't pleased.
Sadly, I now spend New Year days alone because Mom is deceased.
I certainly hope that the year 2019 will be a year of prosperity and peace.
God has given me another year to live and for that, he deserves my praise.
I will love, praise and worship The Lord for the remainder of my days.
I hope that 2019 will be a good year for others and myself.
And I wish everybody a year of happiness and good health.